My picture book, The Brave Cyclist: The True Story of a Holocaust Hero (Capstone Publishing, 2019) illustrated by Chiara Fedele, is a wonderful supplement for  teaching the subject of the Holocaust for grades 3-6 and was selected as a School Library Guild Gold Standard book. Instead of concentrating on the Holocaust atrocities, it celebrates those who risked their lives to rescue Jews. Such Righteous Among The Nations was Gino Bartali, who smuggled false identification cards, hidden in his bike. My Zoom program is a combination of screen share slide presentation and group discussion.

The Brave Cyclist

My picture book, The Brave Cyclist: The True Story of a Holocaust Hero (Capstone Publishing, 2019) illustrated by Chiara Fedele, is a wonderful supplement for  teaching the subject of the Holocaust for grades 3-6 and was selected as a School Library Guild Gold Standard book. Instead of concentrating on the Holocaust atrocities, it celebrates those who risked their lives to rescue Jews. Such Righteous Among The Nations was Gino Bartali, who smuggled false identification cards, hidden in his bike. My Zoom program is a combination of screen share slide presentation and group discussion.

Get ready for Hanukkah

It’s not too early to start thinking about Hanukkah events for your very young kids, especially this coming holiday season when, unfortunately, most kids will be stuck at home.My board book, Dreidel Day is a PJ Library counting book, published by Kar-Ben Publishing for ages 1-4. I am already scheduling either in-class or Zoom storytelling events.My author/illustrator presentations are fun for the entire family. I dress up in a costume and present my story, accompanied by 2 adorable cat puppets who are also characters in the book.I engage the kids with sing-along, art project, and coloring pages. My puppets spin, hop and tumble, just like the dreidels in the book. Together, we light the (electric) menorah and count dreidels, candles, Hanukkah gelt and cut-up paper latkes. My Zoom presentations are 30-40 minutes long and I provide downloadable activity pages.I demonstrate how I created the 3D paper-cut illustrations for the book.

Dreidel Day is Two!

Dreidel Day is two years old! And there are two of them: The cute original board book, and the larger size PJ Library one. It’s been an amazing journey for me, the cats and their dreidels.
This is a puuurfect time to meow me about presentations, Zoom or in person, for Hanukkah. The cats can’t wait to do all that they do in the book, sing along with the kiddies and light the menorah with them. Message me!
Kar-Ben Publishing PJ Library
#Hanukkah #JewishHolidays #cats #menorah #dreidel